WIMCOM is the largest German business consultancy, which offers services and support exclusively in Military Business.
We are the specialist for business development in Military business for small to big companies that want to place their products and services within this market (Domain B2M – Business to Military)
Sales growth in the Military Business is possible both with the company’s own product and service portfolio and through the targeted acquisition of defence technology companies (Mergers & Acquisitions).
WIMCOM’s experts can help you to adapt your portfolio to military requirements and find profitable defence-related companies suitable for acquisition.
Furthermore we develop optimization concepts for Armed Forces and subsequently support the implementation.
We distinguish ourselves by our professional competence, our global experience combined with high quality and an efficient network.
These factors leave WIMCOM unparalleled within this business.
WIMCOM GmbH is independent. Sole shareholder and owner is Dr. Matthias Witt

What´s “Military Business”?
Military Business comprises delivery of products and services to Armed Forces or suppliers within the Defence sector. The military spending in 2019 in Western Europe amount to approximately 266 BN USD (SIPRI) with an upward trend.
Global risk analysis and international military deployments show that the Military Business can potentially be a lucrative business. Furthermore this kind of business is not dependent on business cycles. In this market WIMCOM offers a key-role as an enabler.
WIMCOM enhances your Military business!
As B2M-Competence Center WIMCOM is key to your success
WIMCOM makes a difference by its team of experts with “hands-on” experience in Military Business (former soldiers/ civil servants etc.). WIMCOM specialists know the B2M business based on their leadership functions in the national Armed Forces / MODs / NATO as well as in the Defence industry.
As B2M-Competence Center WIMCOM develops solutions for businesses and Armed Forces and in addition supports the timely and efficient implementation.
WIMCOM generates the knowledge management and expertise for the Business Intelligence (Business analysis & strategy) for our clients. WIMCOM is willing to go the “extra-mile” from concept to realization in support of our client.

WIMCOM´s strengths are expertise, quality, network & global experience
To be able to consult in “Military Business” it is required to have technical expertise and experience as well as a broad and deep network.
As an example, WIMCOM´s network includes good relations towards the German MOD as well as its subordinate offices and agencies, especially the procurement agencies. In addition WIMCOM has close contacts to the Defence industry as well as to NATO and its agencies.
WIMCOM, throughout the last years, managed to establish a team of experts, consisting of former military officers and civil servants as well as executive personnel from the industry. This team knows the requirements of the Armed Forces and procurement agencies in detail. Furthermore WIMCOM experts are able to develop efficient concepts and solutions fit for implementation.
In addition to this, the WIMCOM team gathered experience in international deployments, as military officers and civil contractors.
This offers a unique added value for our clients, because of the strong focus on practice details. This emphasis on implementation is on top of the methodical and conceptual competence.

WIMCOM possesses long-term experience in B2M
WIMCOM was founded on April 1st 2014 in Lahnstein adjacent to Coblenz, with its main office in the former Johannes-monastery, by Dr. Matthias Witt and Ulrich Krompaß. The idea was to create a business consultancy that fulfills the highest expectations of its clients, the Armed Forces and industry.
From the very beginning on, a strong emphasis was put on high standards of strategical & conceptual work, paired with the will to implement the solutions in close cooperation with our clients. The aim has always been to create a sustainable benefit for the client.
WIMCOM has succeeded in rapidly winning not only clients from the industrial side but also the German Armed Forces and its corporations.
With growing success, the team has been constantly increased so that WIMCOM is able to serve an expanding client base with different project teams.
WIMCOM has developed from a small company to the biggest specialist in B2M-business in Germany.
In addition to the focus on the German market, WIMCOM, from the beginning on, supported clients in international Defence business. The Europeanization of the procurement law and the convergence of Armed Forces based on NATO/EU/ UN mandates are intensifying this trend.